If you tire of only hearing what you cannot do, Tim can help you.
"...in order to do this, this is what we need to do..."Consultant General Counsel
& Non-Executive Director
Understanding your business
Start with Strategy
You know why each deal is strategically important, so just hearing that cannot be done, only adds to your frustration.
So before taking on an engagement as a consultant General Counsel or as a non-executive director, Tim sits down with you to understand the strategic goals of your business.
This informs everything we do together and whilst there will still be things we cannot do a particular way, with the creative thinking we will find a way to achieve your strategic goals.
Helping your business
Identifying the roadblocks to growth
With a clear vision of what your business is seeking to achieve, as a consultant General Counsel, or Non-Executive Director, Tim will help you map out the roadblocks to achieve growth and plan a strategy to avoid them.
Tim, isn’t unrealistic and he knows and has seen first hand that well planned strategies, do not always run true. However, with the potential roadblocks mapped out, our flexibility & agility of options increase. The words, “that cannot be done”, only occur, as we weigh our potential options and find the best one.
Helping shape your business
Creative solutions
Being able to move beyond just saying “that cannot be done”, require a mix of technical knowledge, judgement and experience.
Tim has over 19 years experience of providing technical legal advice in a corporate setting. Tim understands the need to work within legal frameworks and at a risk palatable to your business.
Alongside his legal skills, Tim has run or overseen the people management of teams and whole companies, and bring his deep understanding of the psychology of what drive’s people’s decisions into everything he does.
Being a self taught software developer, technological solutions are also at the forefront of Tim’s mind, whenever thinking, “in order to do this, we need to do this”.